Team-Focused Workshops






Team Building

½ day

1 – 3 teams

By the end of this workshop, each participant will:

1.        Understand the advantages of consensus

2.        Understand 4 stages of team formation / development

3.        Develop a consensus tool for decision making

  • Intact teams
  • Simulation to experience team decision making

Employee Performance


3 days

with homework


6-20 people, best in pairs

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of giving difficult negative feedback,
  2. Choose which model should be utilized; adapt this model to fit their particular scenario,
  3. Use the awareness receiver’s personality type to customize difficult negative feedback.

·         Supervisors

·         Managers

·         Executives

·         3  - step process, for corrective action

·         Involves role play and discussion

·         Addresses issues quickly to the point, asking for change in behaviour 


Setting Expectation

Skills Workshop

2 hr

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Set SMART expectations


  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based


Basic Coaching Skills


2 hr

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Apply the skills to meet SMART objectives


  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based


How to give and accept simple feedback Workshop

½ day


6-20 people, best in pairs

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Appreciate the importance of giving difficult negative feedback,

  1. Use the feedback model to provide useful feedback to colleagues
  2. Accept and make effective feedback from others

·         People who interface with others

·         Intact teams

·         Involves role play

·         Simple easy to learn and use


Giving Recognition Workshop

2 hr

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Provide meaningful performance designed to reinforce the achievement of expectations 

  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based


Active Listening Workshop

2 hr

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Applying the skills of effective listening


  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based


Coaching Skills


1 day


6-10 people

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Understand transformational coaching and how it benefits your organization

2.        Understand how your organization’s growth and development depends upon effective coaching

3.        Set precise and measurable expectations

4.        Be able to support improvement efforts

5.        Provide positive recognition

  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based


Teaching Skills


2 hr

By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

1.        Teach others simple skills or behaviours


  • People who interface with others
  • People who achieve results through others
  • Interactive workshop
  • Experience based



Skills Workshop

2 days


(Bring a presentation to practice)

 6-10 people, best in pairs

 By the end of this workshop, each participant will be able to:

  1. Deliver presentations effectively
  • People who want to improve public speaking
  • People who want to be able to address their organization effectively
  • Involves role play
  • Must come with a 5 -  minute presentation Increase vocal loudness
  • Decrease rate of speech
  • Increase speech clarity
  • Increase vocal variation of pitch, loudness and rate
  • Eliminate use of speech fillers